Friends of the Earth's statement on the unjust war in Ukraine

Read Friends of the Earth's reaction to the unjust war in Ukraine and find out where we think focus and support should be directed.
  Published:  16 Mar 2022    |      1 minute read

Like many of you, we’ve been watching in despair at the horrors unfolding in Ukraine. 

Our immediate thoughts are with everyone suffering the devastating impacts of the conflict. We’re in touch with colleagues and allies in both Ukraine and Russia, and we stand with Friends of the Earth International in calling for a peaceful and diplomatic long-term solution to the invasion.  

While coverage has quite rightly focused on the plight of those suffering and fleeing violence, several media outlets and political figures have linked the conflict to the need for "homegrown" oil and gas and the UK’s rising cost of living.  

We are firmly against those using the conflict as a justification for rising energy bills or a reason to pursue more fossil fuel projects.

The UK’s energy crisis predates the current invasion and is a result of an overreliance on fossil fuels and decades of inaction by successive governments. Fossil fuel companies have continued to cash-in on record profits while consumers face an increasingly desperate “eat or heat” scenario.  

The best way to gain energy security and help cash-strapped households is expand the UK’s renewable energy sector as quickly as possible and improve the energy efficiency of our housing stock. We already know that in adopting these tried-and-tested solutions, we’ll be ensuring a timely and cost-effective answer to our energy needs. That’s why we’re continuing to campaign for government action on both counts.

We recognise and empathise with our staff, supporters and wider network who may wish to help those directly affected by the violence in Ukraine. In this instance, we’d strongly encourage you to support organisations and initiatives set up to deal with disaster relief. In particular:

As we navigate the uncertainty of the coming months, we offer our heartfelt hope that each and every person suffering the impact of conflict and injustice is met with kindness, compassion and support, and that as a global community we can work towards a peaceful and sustainable world for all.